Thoughts on Vanguard 50 Index vs. a Vanguard ETF?

I’m new at investing in indexes and ETFS but can I get some thoughts on Vanguard 500 index vs a Vanguard ETF?

Andrea Wright: You probably already know all this but the Vanguard 500 follows the S&P 500 close and is a standout as a low cost fund. Think you can start with 1k but need 3k for ETF? But the ETF is much less likely subject to long-term capital gains with less trade frequency so could be more tax efficient. The 500 Index Fund comes with an expense ratio of 0.17%, while the S&P 500 ETF has a much lower expense ratio of just 0.05%. On a $3,000 investment, investors are paying $5.10 a year in expenses in the mutual fund as opposed to $1.50 with the ETF

Richard Mcdonald: Great advice I really appreciate it I think I’m going with a ETF

Audrey Waters: Forget them

Bailey Pierce: And…spy pays a divy spyd pays more.
