Question: If i were to start , what are the readings that you guys recommend?

Alfredo Torres: Read A Random Walk Down Wall Street, it’ll introduce some fundamental ideas to get you started. I don’t agree with some styles of investing he recommends, but you can read through it pretty easily. It’s a good read and the author writes well. After you finish that, I would just google top value investing books and take your pick depending on the difficulty you want. A Random Walk Down Wall Street will definitely get you on your way and one book is really all you need right now.

Yue Guan Sheng: Thx guys!

Evan Bleker: Definitely my net net stock guide:…/
Your Essential Guide to Net Net Stocks – Net Net Hunter

Yue Guan Sheng: I saw ur training course. Let me explore deeper on the basics before coming back to u ?

Evan Bleker: Have you signed up for the free newsletter? That will give you a lot of free information on net net investing.

Ajay Singh: Beat the streat -By peter lynch. It is good for a start as it is written in a very lucid manner. For the temperament required for investing I will recommend “The most important thing” by Howards Marks. For Valuation you should also read a good book. That’s the two things you need to know :how to value a business and the right temperament. All the best 🙂
